Rikimaru is my middle name, my mother's maiden name, and my grandparents surname. When I was a kid, my family moved back in with my grandpa. He became a third parent to me, driving me to school, taking me to get ice cream, and reprimanding me when I inevitably stepped out of line. I took my grandpa for granted my whole life. In some small way, I feel as though carrying on my grandpa's name through this clothing brand allows me to make up for that and honor him in some way, even if it will never quite compensate for the time I misused.
I hope you're proud papa
Your 20's are very volatile. It's a confusing yet exciting time. Nothing and somehow everything is ahead of you all at once.
Riki Maru was never really supposed to happen. It was always more of a dream. As I have learned more and more about both myself and what I want over these past few years, I realized that a clothing brand was not only something that I wanted to start, but something that was actually feasible. I will always look at this as more than a clothing brand, however. While it might take years to get there, my goal is ultimately to build community around creativity and art. I couldn't be more excited nor more nervous for what lay ahead. Thank you for joining me on this journey.